Friday 24 Jan 2025, 6:10pm
Hi, we're Stone Meadow!
We are looking for a talented bass player to replace our existing bass player who is unfortunately having to step down from duties due to starting a family and no longer being able to commit to rocking out with us.
We are called Stone Meadow and we play predominantly weddings and private events/functions with a few bars and pubs scattered in between. We are part-time with full time jobs outside of the band, however, we have a good earning potential forcasted for 2025 with some weddings and parties already booked in for 2026!
We are looking for an energetic, high energy and, most importantly, talented bass player to join our very highly reviewed and reputable band.
We play everything from 1950's Elvis through to modern day music, but what makes Stone Meadow different from the rest is we add a slap of beefy rock tone to everything we do which makes us stand out from the rest. Therefore, our new bass player needs to fit with this sort of tone and be able to fit in with our sound.
We have 100% 5 star reviews on all of our platforms. We are on agency and we are really proud to be one of the highest viewed bands in there rock section.
In the 2025 calendar bookings, we have a fully booked calendar through the summer with weddings and private events which are all over the country, so means of travel and flexibility are paramount.
We have some original music and this is ongoing on an Ad-hoc basis in between gigs when we have time. So you will need to be open to writing the odd original too and be able to bring creativity to the table when writing.
If you think you have what we need, please get in touch. We need a replacement up and running by April 2025 as this is when our current bass player sadly leaves us to be the best Father for his baby.
Here is a link to our Facebook page:
Encore page (agency profile):
You can find our full song repertoire on our Encore agency page.
Drop me a message on Join my band and if we think you are suitable, we will organise an audition for you to come down and see what we are about and have a jam with us.
We are excited for this new chapter, are you ready to join one of the best rock bands in the midlands?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Jake and all of Stone Meadow!